Get help for the following topics

The project group

Our complete name is ATHENA - Female Network at Teknologkåren by Lund University. In Swedish that would be Athena - Kvinnligt nätverk inom Teknologkåren vid Lunds Tekniska Högskola.

This could be shortened as simply Athena, which in Swedish would be Athena - Kvinnligt nätverk vid LTH

Athena is an open forum with focus on female students at LTH. Both current and former students are welcome! Learn more

The mentorship program

We organise the biggest mentorship program in the spring at LTH, where students are paired with mentors from the business world.

Don't miss this opportunity to get to know students from other sections and connect with companies!

All LTH's students are welcome to participate, and if we have a limited number of places, it is usually first-come-first-served that decides who is allowed to participate.

Read more about the mentorship program here and apply for being a part of this prestigious program!

For companies

We offer companies the opportunity to market themselves to students through our channels.

The mentorship program also helps companies find their future talents and is an opportunity to build a diverse network.

We at Athena are open to collaborations. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions regarding the mentoring program or general queries.

Find our past collaborations and events here.

Schedule an in-person visit or contact us